Amazing Speakers and Events
updated June 2013

"The flower of the word will not die. The masked face which today has a name may die. But the word which came from the depth of history and the earth can no longer be cut by the arrogance of the powerful."
                                                                      EZLN Statement

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Welcome to this page! There are now so many programs listed here that I sorted them by subject:

FAVORITES includes Alex Carey and Noam Chomsky ...
PHILOSOPHY includes George Monbiot, David Brower, the Arne Naess and Enrico Fermi ...
INSIDE THE US includes 9/11, Gore Vidal, Ralph Nader, Alexander Cockburn, Charles Kernaghan, Bernadette Devlin ...
MIDDLE EAST includes Edward Said,  Tariq Ali, Robert Fisk, Amira Haas, Rania Masri, Kathy Kelly ...
ENVIRONMENT includes Jeffrey St. Clair & Stephen Schneider  ...
NUCLEAR WAR & POWER includes Helen Caldicott, Andreas Toupadakis, Mary Olson ...
ARTS include Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Memorial for Ginsberg, songs by Bertolt Brecht and sounds from Burning Man ...


Alex Carey:
Corporations and Propaganda
The 20th century, Carey says, is marked by three developments: the growth of democracy via expansion of the franchise, the growth of corporations, and the growth of propaganda to protect corporations from democracy. Carey's unique view of US history goes back to WWI and ends with the Reagan era. This digitally remastered version of TUC Radio's most successful program ever is a classic for students of propaganda. 60 minutes,
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
code: A119
To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00

code: A119M To order a cassette copy AND the 70 page manuscript used in this program click here: $20.00
code A119CD: To order a CD click here: $10.00

Marilyn Waring:
Sex, Lies and Global Economics
There is something fundamentally wrong with the way we measure the well being of a society. In our upside-down system of accounting (GNP & GDP) war is productive, misery caused by it is not taken into account and a dead tree is better than a living forest.

This is a radio version of the feminist economics film about the New Zealand author and former member of parliament Marilyn Waring, directed by the Oscar winning Canadian director Terre Nash. (1998)
To get the film contact: < http://www.bullfrogfilms.com >
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
code: A119 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A119CD: To order a CD click here: $10.00

John Trudell

This is a moving, thought provoking spoken word and poetry address given in honor of the U’wa and their resistance to oil drilling on their ancestral land in Colombia. At this juncture, where life on the planet hangs in the balance, he reminds us of ways to find self-knowledge, the understanding and the strength to act.

Trudell is a poet, musician, and an advocate for Native American rights. He did not set out to be a poet. His poetic and political sensibilities developed out of the remarkable, sometimes horrifying circumstances of his life. From 1973-1979 Trudell served as National Chairman of AIM, the American Indian Movement. The government response to A.I.M. was swift: Trudell said, "They waged a war against us. They killed, jailed, destroyed by any means necessary."

In 1979 that war took a terrible personal toll on John Trudell. On February 11, 1979 he led a march to the FBI headquarters in Washington D.C. Approximately 12 hours later, in the early morning hours, a fire "of suspicious origin" burned down Trudell's home on the Shoshone reservation in Nevada, killing his wife Tina, their three children, and Tina's mother. Devastated by this loss of his family, Trudell withdrew from the world; "writing words" became his way "to keep some sanity" and continue to survive.
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
code N318CD: To order a one hour CD click here: $10.00
code: N318 To order a one hour cassette copy click here: $8.00

Derrick Jensen

Derrick Jensen wrote in his early book: “Listening to the Land”: “We are members of the most destructive culture ever to exist. Our assault on the natural world, on indigenous and other cultures, on women, on children, on all of us through the possibility of nuclear suicide --all these are unprecedented in their magnitude and ferocity." And he follows that with a question: “Why do we act as we do? What are sane and effective responses to outrageously destructive behavior? What will it take for us to stop the horrors that characterize our way of  being? My work and life revolve around these questions. “

When I recorded him in the Oakland, California warehouse of AK Press, Derrick Jensen asked that question in a much more pointed way: If civilization is destroying us and the earth – do we need to bring down civilization? Derrick Jensen lives in Northern California, he teaches creative writing in prison and has written many books, among them
The Culture of Make Believe, A Language Older Than Words, and Listening to the Land.
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
code A260CD: To order a one hour CD click here: $10.00
code: A259 To order a one hour cassette copy click here: $8.00

Noam Chomsky:

The New York Times Book Review states: "Judged in terms of the power, range, novelty and influence of his thought, Noam Chomsky is arguably the most important intellectual alive." Filled with intriguing insights into the life of America's leading dissident, this is a radio version of the documentary film by Necessary Illusions.

code: A 106 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00


The Beginning of the Nuclear Age: Enrico Fermi & Henry Moore
The First Nuclear Chain Reaction
There are competing claims as to the beginning of the nuclear age but more important than a specific date is the fact that the unleashed power of the atom has changed everything except our modes of thinking. Albert Einstein said these words and concluded: "thus we drift toward unparalleled catastrophe."
code: A198 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE

George Monbiot:
The Age of Consent
George Monbiot is a British political activist and author. He writes a weekly column for The Guardian of London. Monbiot is currently visiting professor of planning at Oxford Brookes University. He is the recipient of the United Nations Global 500 Award for outstanding environmental achievement presented by Nelson Mandela.

George Monbiot has written a new book, The Age of Consent, published by Harper Collins in London. In it he lays out the problems of globalization, the dictatorship of institutions such as the World Bank, the IMF, the World Trade Organization and the UN Security Council and he comes up with a surprising solution.
George Monbiot was interviewed by Jeff Blankfort on KZYX radio in November 2003.
For a broadcast quality mp3 file of the 29 minute version click HERE
code: A238 To order a 45 minute cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A238CD: To order a 45 minute CD click here: $10.00

David Brower in conversation with Arne Naess
The Arch Druid meets the Loch Ness Monster
On a windy evening in the summer of 1988 two of the great environmentalists of our time had their first and only meeting on the Marin Headlands. Their paths should have crossed many times; both mountain climbers, they trekked in the Himalayan mountains, both are almost cult figures with their followers. When they finally met they
discovered that they were the same age, 86. This is the only recording, and the first broadcast, of that meeting.
code: A174   To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
CLICK HERE to download a broadcast quality version of this program (29 minutes)


HURRICANE KATRINA and the War on the Poor
Eyewitness report from two S.F. paramedics, Lorrie Beth Slonsky and Larry Bradshaw
Among their experiences: Gretna Sheriffs block the Greater New Orleans Bridge across the Mississippi and shoot when they and a large group of African Americans try to walk to safety. Later their temporary shelter is destroyed by police and their food and water taken. When they finally get picked up they and thousands of others sit in a dirty cage at the New Orleans airport, again without food and water, forced to wait for the George W. Bush photo opportunity to end. As they arrive in San Antonio they are made to stand on a dark tarmac and are subjected to two dog sniffing ordeals. This and more in a 24 minute interview with Lorrie Beth and Larry by Maria Gilardin recorded on Sept. 9, 05.
READ their report
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of this 29 minute program click HERE
code: A271 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A271CD
: To order a CD click here: $10.00

With John Bonifaz, Ray McGovern, Cindy Sheehan, and Joseph Wilson
The Downing Street Minutes say that the Bush administration was already committed to waging war on Iraq a year before the war began and was asking the British government to “fix” the intelligence data and facts around the policy. The three page memo contains the minutes of a highest level cabinet meeting with the British Prime Minister at Downing Street in July 2002. It was published in the Times of London on May 1, 2005. The Downing Street Memo created a storm in the international press but was suppressed in most US media. If the allegations are true they may lead to impeachment proceedings against George W. Bush.

On Thursday June 16th, 2005, Rep. John Conyers, ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, along with other Congress Members, held a 3 hour hearing at the Capitol on the Downing Street Minutes. The witnesses called were attorney John Bonifaz, veteran CIA analyst Ray McGovern, Cindy Sheehan whose son Casey was killed in Iraq, and ambassador Joseph Wilson.
The Downing Street Minutes are posted on <http://www.afterdowningstreet.org>
Interesting article in the Los Angeles Times <http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-smith23jun23,0,1838831.story>
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Part ONE click HERE
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Part TWO click
code: A272
To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00

code A272CD
: To order a CD click here: $10.00

NOTE: This is the same talk that was already broadcast twice on C-Span - where it caused a sensation.
David Ray Griffin: 9-11 and the American Empire,
how should religious people respond (two parts)

David Ray Griffin takes a critical look at the official 9/11 Commission Report. Professor Griffin argues that "omissions and distortions" in the report amount to a cover-up by government officials and says that the available evidence suggests that the Bush administration was complicit in the 9/11 attacks. Professor Griffin covers topics he says have been inadequately answered by the commission. These include questions surrounding the failure of fighter planes to intercept the hijacked planes, failure to admit that the FBI had information in advance about the attacks, and the behavior of President Bush and his Secret Service detail following notification that a second plane had hit the World Trade Center. The talk was recorded at the University of Wisconsin in Madison on April 18, 2005.

David Ray Griffin is professor emeritus at the Claremont School of Theology, where he taught for over 30 years (retiring in 2004). He has authored or edited over two dozen books, including "God and Religion in the Postmodern World," "Religion and Scientific Naturalism," and "The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11."
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE 
code: A267 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A267CD: To order a CD click here: $10.00
code A267DVD: To order the film on DVD click here: $18.00
For best results you need a DVD player built after 2004

Why and how America was attacked on September 11 - with Nafeez Ahmed
Why were no planes were sent up to intercept the hijacked planes, what about insider trading, who was Mohammed Atta? What did the Bush administration know about the 9/11 attack and when did they know it? Here are some answers.

Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed is the executive director of the British based Institute for Policy Development research. His book is the most comprehensive effort yet to explore the many strange suspicious and inexplicable occurrences that took place in the US and around the world  in the days, months and decade leading up to the 9/11 attacks. NOTE: Phone interview.
Reach Mr. Ahmed at < http://www.globalresearch.org >
For a broadcast quality mp3 version Part One click HERE
For a broadcast quality mp3 version Part Two click HERE
code A221: To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A221CD: To order a CD click here: $10.00

Mike Ruppert
On the eve of the publication of his new book, Crossing the Rubicon, Mike Ruppert spoke at the prestigious San Francisco Commonwealth Club. His research, laid out on 600 pages and supported by over 1000 footnotes, shows that members of the Bush administration knew about the impending attack of 9-11 and helped them succeed. Ruppert describes war games that were conducted on the same day as the WTC attacks with the same scenario, leading the FAA and NORAD to question whether what they saw on their screens was a game or reality.

In part one of the program, Ruppert investigates the motive for the creation of a new Pearl Harbor, i.e. the dwindling supplies of oil; in part two he names names, including Dick Cheney.
Recorded August 31, 2004
Find Mike Ruppert at:
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
code A255CD: To order a one hour CD click here: $10.00
code: A255 To order a one hour cassette copy click here: $8.00

9-11 UNANSWERED QUESTION - 13 Program Radio Series
You can NOW order the complete Radio Series on 9-11
code 911SERIESCD: To order SEVEN 60 minute CDs click here: $50.00
code: 911SERIES To order SEVEN 60 minute cassette copies click here: $40.00

CD or Tape ONE Opening Press Conference
and Gray Brechin: 9-11 In The Context of War
With Carol Brouillet/ Nicholas Levis/ Bill Douglas/ Michael Ruppert/ Nafeez Ahmed/ Ellen Mariani / Phil Berg/ Riva Enteen & Barry Zwicker. This press conference is a perfect introduction into the issues of grassroots activism, loss of liberties, critiques of specific issues such as the failure to scramble airplanes, and a chance to meet some of the most interesting presenters at the conference.
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Part ONE and TWO click HERE
code A246CD: To order a 60 minute CD click here: $10.00
code: A246 To order a 60 minute cassette copy click here: $8.00

CD or Tape TWO: Michael Ruppert: Failure to Intercept
and Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed: Perpetual War on Freedom
Why was there a failure to intercept any of the hijacked planes on September 11 as they flew towards their targets. According to FAA rules military interceptors must be sent up immediately to any plane that deviates from its course.

The war on terror, Nafeez Ahmed says, is not new. It began right after World War II as a project of the State Department and the Council on Foreign Relations. What is new now is the justification of that war through the events of 9-11. The new Pearl Harbor, allowed the construction of an "endless enemy" thus paving the way for the "infinite war on freedom" that we experience now. Ahmed's new book is entitled: Behind the War on Terror.
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Mike Ruppert click HERE
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Nafeez Ahmed click HERE
code A247CD: To order a 60 minute CD click here: $10.00
code: A247 To order a 60 minute cassette copy click here: $8.00
LINKS for Part TWO:
Film clips in this program are from: THE GREAT DECEPTION
Find Mike Ruppert at:

CD or Tape THREE: Paul Thompson: Pakistan and its Role in 9-11 &
Joyce Lynn: The Cover-up Commission
Paul Thompson is best known for his well researched time line of 9-11 events. He presents evidence of close collaboration of the Pakistani Intelligence Service, the ISI, with the CIA and Pentagon. The Taliban, Al Qaeda, and the hijackers received huge amounts of support from the ISI.
Joyce Lynn has investigated the commissioners on the official Investigative Commission of 9-11. She finds serious conflicts of interest and very interesting details in their biographies. The foxes, she says, are guarding the chicken coop and only a grass-roots, independent inquiry will get to the bottom of this huge cover-up.
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Paul Thompson click HERE
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Joyce Lynn click   HERE
code A248CD: To order a 60 minute CD click here: $10.00
code: A248 To order a 60 minute cassette copy click here: $8.00

CD or Tape FOUR: Greg Palast: US Secret Plans for Iraq's Oil and  9-11 &
Voter Fraud in the US and the Danger of Electronic Voting
Palast discovered the US State Department's Post Conflict Plan for the Economy of Iraq - written a year before we knew that there was going to be a conflict. It outlines the options for the future of Iraq's oil. ALSO: 1.9 million votes in the US were cast but not counted. Al Gore won Florida by 87,000 votes.
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Part ONE click HERE
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Part TWO click HERE
code A249CD: To order a 60 minute CD click here: $10.00
code: A249 To order a 60 minute cassette copy click here: $8.00

Richard Heinberg and Michael Ruppert
Richard Heinberg is the author of: The Party is Over; War, Oil and the Fate of Industrial Societies.  He makes an eloquent argument for a phenomenon called Peak Oil. Many oil fields have reached
their peak and new discoveries are not keeping up with the ever increasing demand. In order to avoid future wars for oil we need to radically restructure our economies.
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Richard Heinberg click HERE
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Michael Ruppert click HERE
code A250CD: To order a 60 minute CD click here: $10.00
code: A250 To order a 60 minute cassette copy click here: $8.00

CD or Tape SIX: Ellen Mariani's RICO Suit
includes the conference recording of Space Wars with Bruce Gagnon
On November 26/2003 Ellen Mariani filed a Federal Court Complaint against President Bush and Cabinet Members. Her husband Louis Neil Mariani died when United Air Lines flight 175 was flown into the South Tower of the World Trade Center.

Ellen Mariani refused the government's million dollar hush money payoff. She studied the facts of 9-11, and came to believe the White House intentionally allowed 9-11 to happen to launch a so-called  War on Terrorism for personal and political gain. She retained a prominent lawyer, Phil Berg, a former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania, who served with distinction under both Democrats and Republicans.
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Mariani/Berg click HERE
code A251CD: To order a 60 minute CD click here: $10.00
code: A251 To order a 60 minute cassette copy click here: $8.00

CD or Tape SEVEN:  The New Pearl Harbor
Interview with David Ray Griffin
The historian Howard Zinn said: "David Ray Griffin has done admirable and painstaking research in reviewing the mysteries surrounding the 9-11 attacks. It is the most persuasive argument I have seen for further investigation of the Bush administration’s relationship to that historic and troubling event.”

In his book David Ray Griffin lists 40 incidents that raise serious doubts about the official version of 9-11 and he lists some of them in this interview. Griffin has been a professor of Philosophy of Religion at the Claremont School of Theology in Southern California for over 30 years. He is the author and editor of over 20 books.
What hit the Pentagon? Can you find the plane? Check the link below.
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
code A252CD: To order a 60 minute CD click here: $10.00
code: A252 To order a 60 minute cassette copy click here: $8.00

Gore Vidal in conversation with Lewis Lapham:
Understanding America’s Terrorist Crisis
One of America’s most famous novelists, playwrights and essayists had problems publishing his most recent book: Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace, how we got to be so hated.  The Federation of American Scientists has catalogued nearly two hundred military incursions since 1945 in which the United States has been the aggressor. Vidal quotes from this list. He spoke at a belated book release event in San Francisco on terrorism, Timothy McVeigh, the Patriot Act and the Bush administration.  Could it be, he says, that the greatest victim of the September 11 terror attack will be American liberty?

The conversation between Gore Vidal and Lewis Lapham, editor of Harper’s Magazine, was sponsored by the Independent Institute. < www.independent.org >
code: A211 To order a 50 min. copy click here: $8.00 
code: A211CD To order a 50 min.CD click here: $10.00
For a broadcast quality mp3 29 min. version click HERE

Cynthia McKinney, Peter Camejo and Mike Ruppert
What are the most urgent issues of our time? How to confront Empire?
This is a personal, very honest, moving and sometimes funny talk about the Bush administration, 9/11, the Democratic Party and voting for the lesser of two evils, and regime change abroad AND at home.

The former congresswoman Cynthia McKinney was the honored speaker. She once represented the poor, mostly African American 4th district of Georgia. She was defeated in the 2002 democratic primary after asking what the administration knew prior to 9/11. She was also a critic of the policies of Israel towards the Palestinians. Supporters of Israel openly targeted her for defeat and financially supported her conservative opponent.
< http://www.cynthia2002.com > <http://www.fromthewilderness.com > <http://www.votecamejo.org >
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
code: A236 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A236CD: To order a CD click here: $10.00

In Times of War Who Dies and Who Makes a Killing?
Dick Cheney and Halliburton
Thousands of employees of Halliburton, Vice President Cheney's former company are working alongside American troops in Kuwait and Turkey under a package deal worth close to a billion dollars. This report by Pratab Chatterjee is tracing the history of Halliburton. Chatterjee is an investigative journalist. Read his articles on < www.corpwatch.org >
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
Emperors in the Jungle
The hidden presence of US chemical weapons in Panama
"Regime Change" in Panama in 1989 is not the only parallel to the war on Iraq. The US used and tested biological and chemicals weapons in Panama and left behind 2 tons of VX nerve agents when it finally vacated the Canal Zone in 1999. Now the US makes the case against Saddam Hussein for possession of some of the same materials they left behind in Panama.      John Lindsay Poland did research into this suppressed history. His just released book, Emperors in the Jungle , is becoming big news.
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
For a copy of both programs:
code: A229 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A229CD: To order a CD click here: $10.00

IMPEACH President George W. Bush
by Professor Francis Boyle
Professor Boyle was trained in the same Ph.D. program at Harvard that produced Henry Kissinger. However he chose to become a nationally respected expert on international law. He is tenured professor at the University of Illinois College of Law and a consultant to Amnesty International.

He has drafted six articles of impeachment of President George W. Bush, similar to those introduced by the late Representative Henry Gonzales against Bush senior at the beginning of the Gulf War. He added as an impeachable offense the efforts of the current administration to suspend constitutionally guaranteed rights, build a police state, and prepare to use the military against the American people. (I interviewed Professor Francis Boyle by phone on January 24, 2003). (45 minutes)
Find more information on Prof. Boyle on the Counterpunch web site
To download the articles of impeachment click here: IMPEACH.doc
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
code: A224 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A224CD: To order a CD click here: $10.00

Ralph Nader:
How to End the War on Iraq

In early 2005 Ralph Nader began a 10 city tour to stop the war and end the occupation of Iraq. Undaunted by the outcome of the 2004 election he presents a passionate critique not just of Bush but of the democratic party and launches a grassroots movement of a million committed activists that demands a complete pull out of troops and corporations from Iraq within a 6 month period. Nader acknowledges the work of <http://www.veteransforpeace.org>
Ralph Nader was recorded in Seattle in January of 2005
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of the full 29 minute program click HERE
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
code: A265 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A265CD: To order a CD click here: $10.00

Ralph Nader:
Alternative VS Corporate Technology
Speaking on a PA system powered by solar energy, Ralph Nader gave a moving and intelligent speech on the development and ownership of current technologies and their impact on the earth. He refers to alternative technologies, how they could be used and why we do not have them, even though they could benefit us and the earth. (Aug. 2000)
code: A166   To order a copy click here: $8.00
CLICK HERE to listen - or go to A-Infos to download a broadcast quality 29-minute version.

Ralph Nader:
Corporate Power in America, Agenda for the Green Party
This is a fact filled speech with an in-depth analysis of corporate power and detailed suggestions for political action. Given in March of 2000 to an enthusiastic audience in San Francisco. Nader declared that he will really run for president in the 2000 elections and gave hope that the emerging Green Party would succeed in setting a clear anti-corporate agenda.
60 minutes Transcript A161TRANS  To order a transcript click here: $8.00
Both tape and transcript A161+TRANS  To order copy and transcript click here: $16.00
code: A 161  To order a copy only click here: $8.00
CLICK HERE to listen - or go to A-Infos to download a broadcast quality 29-minute version.

Richard Grossman:
The Corporate Insurgency Against Democracy
Grossman is now known nationally for his work on the history of the consolidation of power by corporations. He recommends that we consider revoking that charter of corporations that operate in violation of the public interest. This recent (Oct. 98) talk lists some of the strategies. 50 minutes
code: A 123 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00

The EXECUTION of Martin Luther King
by Dr. William Pepper
Bill Pepper became James Earl Ray's lawyer when he found out that Ray was not the murderer. His friendship with King and his family goes back to 1967. Pepper had gone to Vietnam and taken photos of children burned by napalm. King asked to meet with him and they worked closely together during the anti-Vietnam war phase of King's life. In this recording Pepper explains why he became convinced of Ray's innocence and, during 25 years of investigative work, pieced together the plot to kill King. The extraordinary story has implications for history, civil rights, justice and democracy. (Feb. 2003)

William Pepper is an acclaimed lawyer who practices international law in London. His book by Verso is: AN ACT OF STATE, The Execution of Martin Luther King. For more information:
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
code: A226 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A226CD: To order a CD click here: $10.00

Christopher Hitchens: The Trial of Henry Kissinger (2 parts)
An overflow audience in a San Francisco bookstore was intrigued, shocked and well entertained by Hitchens eloquent indictment of Henry Kissinger. While the former Chilean dictator Pinochet is under house arrest and war crimes in other parts of the world come to trial, Henry Kissinger, a major player in the coup in Chile finally comes under scrutiny as well. If Kissinger is not actually put on trial for his role in these events, he will at least not die without knowing how history will remember him.

The charges raised by Hitchens begin with conspiracy to commit murder in the case of General Rene Schneider, who was the Commander in Chief of the Chilean Army. General Schneider opposed the impending coup against the newly elected Socialist President Salvador Allende. He was assassinated on 22 October 1970. Hitchens goes on to outline Kissinger’s role in the bombing of Laos and Cambodia, and the invasions of Cyprus and East Timor.
Code A187 To order a copy click here: $8.00
To download broadcast quality mp3 file click HERE

Bernard Lietaer: The Global Financial Casino
Bernard Lietaer makes a case that today the most powerful institutions are the global financial markets and he has the professional experience to make his arguments compelling. He was, until 1994, a currency trader in the Cayman Islands. Among the 1800 funds world-wide, his fund rated first in performance. Before that he was one of the chief planners at the Central Bank of Belgium.
Go to A-Infos to download a broadcast quality copy (29 minutes)
 Side B: The Tobin Tax: Tax the Rich to Feed the Poor, code: A176
Currency speculators trade over $1.8 trillion dollars each day across borders. This has contributed to the economic crisis in Europe, Asia, Russia and Brazil. The Tobin Tax was first designed by Yale economist James Tobin. He recommended a transaction tax to slow the market down, to restore national sovereignty, and to create some revenue for public use. The speaker is Ruthanne Cecil who works with the Arcata, California, Tobin Tax Initiative.
Go to A-Infos to download a broadcast quality copy (29 minutes)
Tobin Tax link: <http://www.ceedweb.org/iirp>
code: C401   To order a copy click here: $8.00

Jim Hightower
Why Vote and For Whom?
They call Hightower a visionary with a horse sense, a fearless populist who takes on the rich and powerful. The former Texas Agriculture Commissioner turned author, radio commentator, and very well loved public speaker. Hightower spoke in September 2000 at a benefit for the San Francisco Green party. Very Funny!
CLICK HERE to listen - or go to A-Infos to download a broadcast quality 29-minute version.
code: A167  To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00

Alexander Cockburn on the CIA
In 1996 the San Jose Mercury News published an extraordinary piece of investigative reporting. Dark Alliance, written by Gary Webb, revisited the involvement of the CIA in the smuggling of drugs into the United States. The noted Nation columnist Alexander Cockburn comments on: Why did the national media denounce Gary Webb and force him out of his job? Did the CIA target the black community? October 1998, 50 minutes
code: A130 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00

Alexander Cockburn Investigates Al Gore
For one year Nation columnist and author Alexander Cockburn investigated Al Gore's record with his co-author Jeffrey St. Clair. They looked up his lengthy voting record from the day he entered congress in 1976, interviewed people who knew him, and researched the history of his campaigns. In this lively speech filled with biting wit and humor, Cockburn takes up all major issues brought up by Gore supporters: the death penalty, abortion, and potential Supreme Court appointments. He argues that none of these would benefit from a Gore presidency. (July 2000)
Code: A165   To order a copy click here: $8.00
CLICK HERE to listen - or go to A-Infos to download a broadcast 29-minute version.

Sweet Liberty
Are we living in a police state yet?
With attorney Lynne Stewart and others
From the Patriot Act to Executive Orders that can be issued by the president and are not subject to review by Congress this two part program reviews the steps taken to limit freedom of speech and legal protection. Who knows that there are already in place Executive Orders allowing the government to seize and control the communications media, food resources and farms as well as all health and educational institutions? Attorney Lynne Stewart is accused of helping terrorist and threatened with 40 years in prison and out on $500,000 bail. (Recorded July 2002)
To find out more about her case go to http://www.lynnestewart.org
For practical  resistance to the emerging police state see < http://www.bordc.org >
code: A214 To order a copy click here: $8.00
code: A214T To order a transcript click here: $6.00

Dennis Brutus: Cry for the Beloved Country
Peter Dale Scott on “Plan Colombia”
Brutus, he poet, teacher, and former political prisoner in South Africa gives a moving account of the betrayal of the liberation movement by the current South African government. The country is taking a full turn toward neo-liberalism and the policies of the World Bank and IMF, institutions that Brutus is part of a campaign to confront and challenge.

Scott is a former Canadian diplomat and English Professor at UC Berkeley. Among his books are “The War Conspiracy” and “The Iran-Contra Connection”. He draws frightening parallels to the US war on Vietnam.
Code A183 To order a copy click here: $8.00
Go to A-Infos to download a broadcast quality copy of the 29 minute radio version (BRUTUS)
Go to A-Infos to download a broadcast quality copy of the 29 minute radio version (SCOTT)

Jerry Brown on Sex and Politics
On the evening before the Monica Lewinsky affair hit the headlines, former California governor Jerry Brown entertained a meeting of organic farmers with an intelligent and funny talk about the role of sex in politics. He also criticized his father for using crime to boost his ratings. Later Jerry Brown did the same in his bid for major of Oakland. 50 minutes
code: A 101 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00

Charles Kernaghan: Who Sews our Clothes Overseas?
Charles Kernaghan of the National Labor Committee is a dedicated, passionate advocate for thousands of children and young women who sew our clothes in sweatshops in Central America, China or Bangladesh. What are the working conditions and how can we make a difference? (45 minutes 1998)
code: A 122 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00

Charles Kernaghan on Wal-Mart
The National Labor Committee, directed by Charles Kernaghan, is a cross between a social justice think tank and a detective agency. Kernaghan has brought the issue of sweatshops, child labor, and corporate accountability into the public eye. He testified before Congress about a Honduran factory where 13 to 15-year olds were forced to work under abusive conditions sewing Kathy Lee Wal Mart pants for 31 cents an hour. 50 minutes
code: A135 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00

Charles Kernaghan:
Support the Fired Sweatshop Workers in Nicaragua
While in New York for the United Nations meeting in early September, I paid an unannounced visit to the National Labor Committee's small offices. I walked into an emergency meeting of college students with the NLC's charismatic and energetic director Charles Kernaghan. One of the major sweatshop contractors, sewing clothes for Kohl's, J.C. Penney, Kmart and Wal-Mart in Nicaragua's maquiladora, had just fired 600 union workers. This is the story of the fight back of the Nicaraguan workers and their appeal for help from US consumers who are paying $30 for a pair of jeans that they earn just 20 cents to sew.
code: A164 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
For updates from the National Labor Committee: <www.nlcnet.org>
CLICK HERE to listen - or go to A-Infos to download a broadcast 29-minute version.

Bernadette Devlin-McAliskey
Bernadette Devlin-McAliskey, Ireland's foremost human rights leader and former political prisoner spoke in San Francisco about the controversial US/British sponsored "peace agreement".  Flanked by banners of Mumia Abu-Jamal and Leonard Peltier, she humorously and incisively drew the parallels between the Irish struggle, colonialism and globalization. (60 minutes, April 1998)
code: A 121 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00

Women of the Sixties
Sara Jane Olson AKA Kathleen Soliah
Kathleen Cleaver speaks on Mumia Abu-Jamal
Olson is charged with attempting to blow up a police car while she was allegedly a member of the Symbionese Liberation Army in the early seventies. Born Kathleen Soliah, Olson moved to Minnesota, took a new identity, married, and has a family. In this interview she speaks about her case for the first time.

Cleaver was one of the most important members of the Black Panther Party. After the demise of the Black Panthers she became a law school professor. She speaks on the international campaign to prevent the execution of journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal.
Code A182 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
Go to A-Infos to download a broadcast quality copy of the 29 minute radio version
Go to A-Infos to download a broadcast quality copy of the 29 minute radio version


Edward Said: Palestine and the Universality of Human Rights
This is a special tribute on the anniversary of the death of Edward Said. Friends say that he knew that his life was coming to an end when he gave this legacy address on the eve of the invasion of Iraq.

Professor Said was known as both a scholar of modern literature and an expert on Middle Eastern politics. Educated at Princeton and Harvard he now teaches at Columbia.  His books, which have been translated into 36 languages, include: Covering Islam, and The Politics of Dispossession. He was born in Palestine before the founding of the Jewish State. By 1950 his extended family had all fled Jerusalem for Cairo. Like hundreds of thousands of Palestinians they were displaced by the Jewish state that had been established two years earlier.
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Part ONE click HERE
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Part TWO click HERE
code: A227 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A227CD: To order a CD click here: $10.00

Naomi Klein
How Economic Shock Therapy Backfired in Iraq

Naomi Klein, the award winning journalist and author of the international best seller, No Logo, spoke to the abyss between the spin of the new democratic Iraq in the US media and the reality on the ground. The wave of privatization, instituted by Paul Bremer and reinforced by the International Monetary Fund, will not easily be reversed since the new government needs an impossible to reach majority to undo Bremer's laws and enact the wishes of the Iraqi people. The IMF, the US government, the Paris Club and other international organizations are making a cruel joke of the promise of self determination in Iraq.
Naomi Klein writes an internationally syndicated column for The Nation, The Guardian and The Globe and Mail. Her web site is: <http://www.nologo.org>
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
code A262CD: To order a CD click here: $10.00
code A262DVD: To order a film of the talk on DVD click here: $18.00

Tariq Ali
Movement Against the Wars in the Middle East & Religious Fundamentalism

An eloquent analysis of the wars in Iraq and Palestine and the reasons for the absence of an anti war movement in the US.
Writer, journalist and film-maker Tariq Ali came to Berkeley at the end of April 2005. Tariq Ali was born in Pakistan in 1943. Educated at Oxford, he became involved with the movement against the war on Vietnam. He is also a world renowned scholar on the history and culture of Islam. Tariq Ali is editorial director of Verso books and editor and board member of the New Left Review.

Tariq Ali’s fiction includes a series of historical novels about Islam: Shadows of the Pomegranate Tree, A Sultan in Palermo and The Stone Woman. His non-fiction includes the just re-issued Street Fighting Years: An Autobiography of the Sixties. His book Bush in Babylon attacks the US invasion of Iraq. He spoke on April 24, 2005 in Berkeley at an event for Cody’s books. More information on Tariq Ali is on <http://www.contemporarywriters.com/authors/?p=auth164>
or on <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tariq_Ali>
In the second part of his talk Tariq Ali takes up religious fundamentalism.

For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Part ONE click HERE
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Part TWO click HERE
code: A266 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A266CD: To order a CD click here: $10.00

Tariq Ali
Exiled from his home in Pakistan where he was born in 1943, Tariq Ali is a scholar, activist, novelist, play write, film maker and radio and TV commentator. He is the editor of the New Left Review and his name is linked with the rise of the New Left since his arrival in Oxford in the 1960s. He is one of the charismatic speakers of the anti-war movement.
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
code: A233 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A233CD: To order a CD click here: $10.00

Robert Fisk: The Fantasy War
Liberation, Weapons of Mass Destruction & Democracy
Fisk's detailed account of events on the ground stands in stark contrast to reports in the US media. He says that today Iraq lives “a tragedy of epic proportions”. Governments in the West “are doomed to suffer contagion by our hubris, lies and fantasies.” Details of this very informative talk include: Civilian casualty reports, life in the palace of Paul Bremer, the use, by the US army of Israeli “terms of engagement in civilian areas”, the cutting down of orchards, a terrible sequence of sounds from a Secret Police torture, an update on the frigate Stark incident and more.
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of the radio program click HERE
code: A235R To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A235RCD: To order a CD click here: $10.00

Robert Fisk on war crimes in Jenin and
the New Terrorism
The refugees in the Jenin camp, near the center of the town of Jenin in occupied Palestine were able to see their former homes across the border of what is now the state of Israel. In April of this year the camp made world history. After 12 days of shelling and bulldozing by the Israeli army large parts of the camp were turned to rubble. Did Israeli bulldozers destroy buildings while people were trapped inside? What occurred here while the media and foreign observers were excluded at gun point? Robert Fisk tells the story.

As a war and Middle East correspondent for the London Times, and now for the London-based Independent, Fisk has shown both personal and political courage. His coverage of the war in Lebanon, the Israel-Palestine conflict, the Iranian revolution, the Iran-Iraq war, the war in Afghanistan, the Gulf War and Yugoslavia has often incurred the wrath of governments whose policies he exposes. <www.independent.co.uk>
code: A213 To order a copy click here: $8.00
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE

Robert Fisk: On the War on Iraq/Pity the Nation
What a war on Iraq would do to the Middle East
Just back from Beirut where he lives, the noted British journalist and Middle East expert gave another fact filled talk about recent developments in the Middle East. Topics: 9/11, hidden motives for war, his meeting with Osama bin Laden and US plans to pay itself back with Iraqi oil for the cost of war.
For a broadcast quality mp3 file of Parts ONE and TWO click HERE
code A223: To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A223CD: To order a CD click here: $10.00

Iraq, Alternatives to Occupation
Rania Masri
While the attention of the world is focussed on the daily attacks on US soldiers the radical restructuring of the Iraqi economy gets little notice. Privatization, destruction of the local economy by imports and free trade zones, changes in tax and banking laws decreed with the stoke of a pen by executive order have made Iraq a free-for all for US and British corporations. Things are so bad that two bills are making their way through House and Senate to deal with dishonest contracting and war profiteering.  < http://www.southernstudies.org >

Rania Masri is a Lebanese American writer, scholar and activist. She is the director of the Southern Peace Research and Education Center at the Institute for Southern Studies in Durham, North Carolina.
For a broadcast quality mp3 file of the 29 minute version click HERE
code: A239 To order a 45 minute cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A239CD: To order a 45 minute CD click here: $10.00

Dr. Mustafa Barghouti
A Challenge to Humanity - The Situation in Palestine
This is a moving, urgent report from Palestine by Dr. Mustafa Barghouti. He is a medical doctor, and one of the leaders of the Palestinian movement that calls for an end to Israeli settlement in the West Bank and Gaza. His organization provides health and community services to more than 1 million people every year.

Reduced to the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Palestinians were promised by a UN resolution, to maintain the state of Palestine on 45% of their former land. But this promise was never filled. Instead Israel occupied both areas and established armed settlements. Presently Ariel Sharon demands that over half of the West Bank also be given to Israel.  The terrible humanitarian crisis of our time is that right now Sharon is creating the facts on the ground by building an enormous wall that cuts deep into the Palestinian West Bank.
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Part ONE and TWO click HERE
code A245CD: To order a 60 minute CD click here: $10.00
code: A245 To order a 60 minute cassette copy click here: $8.00

Amira Haas:
Thoughts about Suicide Bombers and their Families
Amira Haas is the only Jewish Israeli correspondent on Palestinian affairs living among the people she reports on. As guest of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at UC Berkeley she received a standing ovation and gave this moving, compassionate and critical talk.

Amira Haas was born in Israel to Holocaust survivors. She is the author of: Reporting from Ramallah - An Israeli Journalist in an Occupied Land and Drinking the Sea at Gaza.
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of the radio program click HERE
code: A237 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A237CD: To order a CD click here: $10.00

Behzad Yaghmaian: The Secret World of Refugees
This is a moving, highly personal account by an exiled Iranian in search of the stories of migrants. He found an Afghan boy who lost his family in US bombing, a young girl trying to survive in New York, or men waiting to stow away on a ship in a Greek harbor. Yaghmaian is a professor of economics and the author of "Social Change in Iran: An Eyewitness Account of Dissent, Defiance, and New Movements for Rights". He is a frequent contributor to Counterpunch < http://www.counterpunch.org >
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
code: A234 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A234CD: To order a CD click here: $10.00

Greg Palast: Who Won the War on Iraq?
The Carlyle Group, Lockheed Martin, Choice Point or more?
The author of The Best Democracy Money Can Buy answered that question at his April 03 stop in Berkeley. Palast has a huge audience in Europe. He can't get his work shown or printed in the mass media in the US where he was born.
He was introduced by Jello Biafra.
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
code: A232 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A232CD: To order a CD click here: $10.00

Kathy Kelly/ Rania Masri
End the Sanctions on Iraq
Professor Edward Said said recently that  "For almost a full decade an inhuman campaign of sanctions - the most complete ever in recorded history - has destroyed Iraq as a modern state ...All this has been done by the US and UK misusing United Nations resolutions against innocent civilians.." Kathy Kelly has visited Iraq over a dozen times since 1995, documenting the deaths of children caused by sanctions. In the spirit of Martin Luther King and Gandhi she and her organization, Voices in the Wilderness, are in open defiance to the State Department - not intimidated by the threat of 12 years in prison for each visit.  Rania Masri, is the co-ordinator of the Iraqi Action Coalition. (May 2000)
Visit Voices in the Wilderness for inspiration and action at http://nonviolence.org/vitw
code: A 163 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
Kathy Kelly
CLICK HERE to listen - or go to A-Infos to download a broadcast quality 29-minute version.
Rania Masri
CLICK HERE to listen - or go to A-Infos to download a broadcast quality 29-minute version.

Hans von Sponeck:
Lift the Sanctions on Iraq
Over 6,000 Iraqis die every month as a result of trade sanctions and the ongoing US/British military attacks. Hans von Sponeck resigned in protest from his United Nations position as Assistant Secretary General and Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq that he held from 1998-2000. He now travels internationally, speaking in churches and schools, appealing for compassion and understanding of the plight of an innocent population. On the ground, in Baghdad, he observed first hand schools without windows and books, and children dying of preventable diseases. Many illnesses are caused by contaminated water since treatment plants were systematically destroyed by US bombing. (recorded 2000)
code: A196 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE

Azmi Bishara:
Keynote speech on Iraq and Palestine
Bishara is a Palestinian with Israeli citizenship and elected member of the Knesset
Trained in philosophy and an erudite political activist Bishara presents a unique perspective that challenges many pre-conceived notions. Part One is on Iraq and Part Two on the future of Palestine.
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
code: A231 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A231CD: To order a CD click here: $10.00

Rania Masri on Iraq, the US Global Empire,
and plans to redraw the borders in the Middle East
Future US plans for all of the Middle East may include the so-called “population transfer” of  Palestinians from occupied Palestine into Jordan, the division of Iraq  into three separate countries, or the creation of a Hashemite kingdom of  Iraq and Jordan. Rania Masri refers to the recently discovered text of  the Project for the New American Century, commissioned in September 2000 by  Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wulfowitz and others. see http://cryptome.org/rad.htm
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
Side B: Alexander Cockburn: The Israeli lobby and the fate of Palestine
On May 2, 2002, barely two weeks after what has become widely described in the international press as a massacre in the Palestinian refugee camp at Jenin, the US congress took an extraordinary vote supporting Israel's offensive into the West Bank.
Cockburn looks into the forces that influence voting. Alexander Cockburn is an investigative journalist, author and coeditor, with Jeffrey St. Clair, of the muckraking newsletter CounterPunch. < http://www.counterpunch.org >
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
code: A217 To order a copy click here: $8.00

STOP the War on Iraq - Let Iraq LIVE!
Ramsey Clark’s Appeal for Peace
This is a moving and eloquent appeal for peace by the former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark.
Few people know Iraq as well as Ramsey Clark. While the bombs fell on Iraq in 1991 he traveled 2000 miles by car. He returns to Iraq every year to see the effect of the sanctions and weekly US/UK bombings. He visits hospitals and devastated neighborhoods. He now travels across the US to warn us of the consequences of beginning yet another war on Iraq, both for the poor and tortured people of that country and for us, for our own safety and for our souls.
code: A216R To order a copy click here: $8.00
code: A216T To order a transcript click here: $6.00
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE  

Robert Fisk on the Armenian Holocaust
In commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the events of April 1915
This moving talk begins with the account of Fisk walking the killing fields and still finding reminders of an event that has been hidden from public consciousness for too long. His talk is based on research on location and conversations with Armenian elders in senior homes in Beirut. Fisk spoke before the Armenian National Committee in San Francisco in March 2001.
This talk on the Armenian Holocaust - and he explains why he chose that term - also generated much criticism from those who want silence to shroud these events forever.
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
code: A180 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A180CD: To order a CD click here: $10.00


Dangers of Climate Change
Order the three hour set of this six part series
$6 off for THREE CDs click HERE:  $24.00
$4 off for THREE TAPES click HERE $21.00
This SIX-part series is based on audio recordings of the Hadley Centre/MET Office/Exeter/England
In early February of 2005 a headline appeared in the London Independent. It said: "How Mankind Is Sleepwalking to The End Of The Earth; floods, storms and droughts, melting Arctic ice, shrinking glaciers, oceans turning to acid. The world's top scientists warned last week that dangerous climate change is taking place today, not the day after tomorrow." The award winning environmental writer Geoffrey Lean wrote these words.

The conference was called: Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change and it was held by request of the British Government. In order to counter the refusal of the United States to acknowledge the urgency of the issue of climate change they brought together 200 respected scientist from the fields of ecology, glaciology, meteorology, and oceanography.
Find the notes by the Hadley Centre at <http://www.stabilisation2005.com/programme.html>
Find the IPCC at  <http://www.ipcc.ch/

Find out about the expose in Mother Jones
As the World Burns, By Bill McKibben, Chris Mooney, & Ross Gelbspan
Think tanks and journalists funded by ExxonMobil are out to convince you global warming is a hoax

Douglas Quin recorded the sounds of breaking ice in the Antarctic

Opening Address: Professor Stephen Schneider
(Part 1 of 6)
Interview with the Director of the British Antarctic Survey (Part 2 of 6)
Professor Stephen Schneider gave the opening address at the Hadley Centre conference on Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change on February 1, 2005. Stephen Schneider is professor of biological sciences at Stanford University. He co-directs Stanford's Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources. He is doing research on ecological and economic implications of climate change; climatic modeling, the carbon dioxide "greenhouse effect", and environmental consequences of nuclear war.
You can see Stephen Schneider's slide show (2.1 Mb) on the web site of the Hadley Centre

Prof. Chris Rapley, Director of the British Antarctic Survey, <http://www.antarctica.ac.uk/> addresses the accelerated warming on the Antarctic Peninsula and the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. That includes news from the breaking ice sheets (Larsen A and B and other) and the melting of the coastal glaciers.
You can see Chris Rapley's slide show (2.0 Mb) on the web site of the Hadley Centre
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Part ONE with Stephen Schneider click HERE
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Part TWO with Chris Rapley click HERE
code: A268 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A268CD
: To order a CD click here: $10.00

Global Warming on Greenland (Part 3 of 6)

Possible Collapse of the Gulf Stream (Part 4 of 6)
Is the melting we are seeing today the precursor of a major deglaciation of Greenland or a momentary anomaly. How fast will this process unfold and can deglaciation be stopped if it begins accelerating due to internal feedback mechanisms. Also, according to the Hadley Centre models:  Even after CO2 levels are brought under control the oceans will keep expanding – raising the sea levels around the world - the question is for how long.
With Jason Lowe, Hadley Centre and Jay Zwally, NASA.
You can see Jason Lowe's slide show (1.2 Mb) on the web site of the Hadley Centre

The possible collapse of the Gulf Stream, leading to a dramatic cooling of Europe, was considered a "high impact - low probability" event. Recent data show that there is now a 70% chance of collapse due to global warming. Michael Schlesinger is Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). He directs the UIUC Climate Research Group within the Department of Atmospheric Sciences. 
You can see Michael Schlesinger's slide show (1.8 Mb) on the web site of the Hadley Centre
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Part THREE with Lowe and Zwally GREENLAND click HERE
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Part FOUR with Schlesinger GULF STREAM click HERE
code: A269 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A269CD
: To order a CD click here: $10.00

The Impacts on Oceans and Land
(Part 5 of 6)
The Bush Wars on Climate Science (Part 6 of 6)
Scientist have recently discovered that about half of the man-made carbon dioxide produced by fossil-fuel burning has been absorbed by the oceans. CO2 reacts with sea water to form carbonic acid and that lowers the ph level of the water and makes the oceans more acidic. Today the ph level of the oceans is already 0.1 unit lower than before the industrial revolution. These  changes are accelerating the extinction of marine life from plankton to cod to coral reefs.

Dr. Carol Turley, head of science of the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, talks about the impact of the increasing acidification of the world's oceans. She said that the ph level of the oceans had remained incredibly constant for thousands, if not millions of years. Now about 400 billion tons of fossil fuel CO2 have been absorbed by the oceans

You can see Carol Turley's slide show (1.6 Mb) on the web site of the Hadley Centre

Professor Rik Leemans from the Environmental Sciences Department of Wageningen University in Holland directs projects on global biodiversity. He presents studies of birds, fish, insects, lichen and plants and their struggle for survival under global changes in growing seasons and distribution.

Animals and plants are on the move everywhere. They try to move north or up mountains to avoid warming or they follow the warming trends if they benefit from warm weather. Changes in the oceans are especially fast. Some plankton species have already moved north by up to 1000 kilometers. Some warm-water fish are moving into the warming seas at a rate of 250 kilometers every 10 years. Extinction rates are high among those unable to move and among those who no longer find the other species they depend on in the new environment.
You can see Rik Leemans slide show (3.1 Mb) on the web site of the Hadley Centre

The Bush Wars on Climate Science
Speakers: Myron Ebell, Senator Inhofe, Prof. Chris Rapley
How the Bush Administration undermined climate science and even prevented an agreement on limits of CO2 emissions at the G8 meeting in Scotland. (Myron Ebell and Sen. Inhofe) Also: How science tells us more about the accelerated collapse of earth systems than ever before (Chris Rapley)

For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Part FIVE with Leemans/Turley click HERE
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Part SIX with Bush Climate Skeptics and Prof. Rapley click HERE
code: A270 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A270CD
: To order a CD click here: $10.00

Cows and the Subsidized Destruction of the American West
300 million acres of public land in the West, equal in size to 3 Californias, are leased to ranchers. Cattle grazing is subsidized at $0.5 billion per year. Cows and other livestock destroy and pollute rivers and springs, devastate plant and
tree life, and compete out other animals. The National Public Lands Grazing Campaign is working on legislation to permanently retire grazing permits. Fore more information: <http://www.publiclandsranching.org>
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Part ONE and TWO click HERE
code A257CD: To order a one hour CD click here: $10.00
code: A257 To order a one hour cassette copy click here: $8.00


His lone fight against some giants of industrial agriculture
(chemical manufacturers and cattle growers)
The Montana rancher Howard Lyman first came to world attention in 1998. He and Ophra Winfrey had been sued by Texas cattlemen and feedlot operators because Lyman had said, on the Ophra show, that mad cow disease might already be in the US. Since Lyman's warning the first case of mad cow disease has been confirmed in the US. In Part TWO Lyman says we are till feeding cows to cows and test less than 1% of slaughtered cows while Japan is testing every cow.

In Part ONE Lyman explains what chemical agriculture did to his farm, his family and himself, and what gave him the strength to keep up the fight against mad cow disease that is only now beginning to surface to a larger public.
After selling the majority of his farm Howard Lyman became an organizer with the Montana Farmer's Union. In 1995 he formed the organization he now works for: Voice for a Viable Future. He is the author of Mad Cowboy.
He was recorded at the 22nd National Pesticide Forum in April of 2004 in Berkeley.
Breaking NEWS: The Organic Consumers Association is beginning a Mad Cow campaign NOW.
OCA Organizing Mad Cow House Parties Across the U.S. this Spring. Check their web site at;
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Part ONE click HERE
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Part TWO click HERE
code A259CD: To order a one hour CD click here: $10.00
code: A259 To order a one hour cassette copy click here: $8.00

Jeffrey St. Clair:

The amazing folk singer Utah Phillips once said that "The earth is not dying, she is being killed and those who are killing her have addresses and names". In this broadcast you will hear some of these names, researched by Jeffrey St. Clair whose new book is entitled: Been brown so long it looked like green to me. And, as we look closer, we see that the destruction of the environment is a bi-partisan effort.

St. Clair says that the title of his new book is a metaphor for our time. The book describes the grand awakening of the environmentalists during the Clinton years. They survived the nightmare of Reagan and Bush and their unremitting hostility to the environment. And here come Clinton and Gore, - Gore, who proclaimed the environment as the defining issue of our time. Hopes were high - this was going to be the promised green age. But by all accounts the Clinton years were worse than Bush Sr. and Reagan.
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
code A244CD: To order a 60 minute CD click here: $10.00
code: A244 To order a 60 minute cassette copy click here: $8.00

Scientific Freedom in the Age of Biotechnology
With Arpad Pusztai, Tyrone Hayes, John Losey and Ignacio Chapela
This program is about academic freedom, independent thinking, corporate intervention into science, the buying of academia, the collusion of regulatory agencies with the very corporations they are to oversee and maybe - most frightening of all - the invasion of the DNA, the inner spaces and the self organization of life.

Arpad Pusztai was an advocate of genetic engineering until his research with rats showed serious damage to their immune system and organ growth when they were fed with genetically engineered potatoes. He was fired from his job as Principal Scientific Officer at the Rowett Institute in Scotland, a job he had held for 30 years.

Tyrone Hayes did research on the effects of Atrazine, the world's most widely used agricultural chemical as part of a study of breast and prostate cancer. He found damage to tissue and organs of amphibians including sex changes caused by fluctuating levels of estrogen and testosterone.  His research was suppressed, and the industry financed research to discredit his work.

John Losey discovered that Monarch butterfly caterpillars  die when they eat pollen from engineered corn plants. The industry waged an unsuccessful campaign to suppress his report.

Ignacio Chapela discovered that engineered corn has already invaded the cradle of corn in Oaxaca, Mexico. A campaign was waged to discredit him and he recently was denied tenure in spite of the full support of his colleagues.
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Part ONE click HERE
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Part TWO click HERE
code A243CD: To order a 60 minute CD click here: $10.00
code: A243 To order a 60 minute cassette copy click here: $8.00

Earth Day Special
Stephen Schneider: Global Warming Update
Schneider is one of the first scientists who dared speak out on the danger of global warming. Now that warming is no longer denied, he still has the most holistic view of the problem. He asks how climate and life evolved together – and how that process is falling apart. How the living and non-living parts of the earth work together, and how people are disturbing the earth.

Stephen Schneider is Professor in the Biological Sciences Department at Stanford University and former Department Director at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado. He is internationally recognized as one of the world's leading experts in atmospheric research and its implications for environment and society. Dr. Schneider's books include “The Genesis Strategy: Climate Change and Global Survival”, “The Coevolution Of Climate and Life”, “Global Warming: Are We Entering The Greenhouse Century?”, and “Laboratory Earth”.
Code A181 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
Go to A-Infos to download a broadcast quality copy of the 29 minute radio version

Global Warming:
Are we entering the Greenhouse Century?
Professor Stephen Schneider was one of the first scientists courageous enough to take up the topic of global warming. When asked recently whether the current 100 year warming trend was likely to be caused by the greenhouse effect, he said the probability was between 80 and 90%. Schneider is the author of "The Co-evolution of Climate and Life", "Global Warming, are we entering the Greenhouse Century", and "Laboratory Earth ". Recorded in Nov. 1998. 50 min.
code: A 126 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00


Dr. Helen Caldicott

In 2002 Helen Caldicott returned from Australia to – once again - help build an anti nuclear movement in the US. The so-called end of the Cold War had made everybody complacent. Now, thirty years after Helen Caldicott first appeared in the US and became a charismatic speaker and tireless organizer she says that matters are worse now than they were then. They are worse because the old weapons are still in place, worse because they're building new nuclear weapons, some intended for use in space, worse because the US violates the major arms control treaties, worse because the US is now threatening the preemptive use of nuclear weapons, and worse because very few of us know these facts.

Helen Caldicott founded the still thriving organization Physicians for Social Responsibility and was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Her recent book is The New Nuclear Danger, The New Press.
My friend Bonnie Faulkner, host of the KPFA radio show Guns and Butter <http://www.gunsandbutter.net>, interviewed Helen Caldicott at the end of 2004. Bonnie and Helen are happy to see their conversation re-broadcast on TUC Radio.
Helen's organization is <http://www.nuclearpolicy.org>
In this talk Helen mentions repeatedly the Project for the New American Century. See the entry below for the link to PNAC and a copy of that TUC radio program.
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
code: A261 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A261CD: To order a CD click here: $10.00

Project for the New American Century (PNAC)

A reading from the document by Mime Troupe founder R.G. Davis
Introduced by poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti
The paper was commissioned by Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and others in the year 2000, before any of them were  in government. The think tank, the Project for the New American Century, produced a blueprint for a system of world-wide US military dominance and intervention. The document remained secret until 2002 when it was discovered by the Irish Sunday Herald.
Check out PNAC and the text REBUILDING AMERICA'S DEFENSES at their site: <http://www.newamericancentury.org>
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
code: A230 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A230CD: To order a CD click here: $10.00

Reading from the US Air Force Transformation Flight Plan

One of TUC Radio's best received programs was a reading from the Project for the New American Century document on Rebuilding America's Defenses that predicted the war on Iraq. In that document the authors, among them Cheney and Rumsfeld, laid out a plan to place weapons in space in order to maintain US global reach and military superiority. Like other predictions in the PNAC document the arming of space is becoming a reality. In early 2005 the Air Force posted their Transformation Flight Plan on their web site. The plan discloses strategies for global dominance, refers to new space weapons based on laser and microwave, and makes the case for nuclear power in space.

Reading from that document by activist and comedian Dave Lippman
 <http://www.davelippman.com> with comments by Karl Grossman, author of "Weapons in Space" and Dr. Helen Caldicott. The full text of the document is here:
Analysis of the text is at: <http://www.space4peace.org> <http://nuclearpolicy.org> <http://www.cdi.org>
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE  
code: A263 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A263CD: To order a CD click here: $10.00

Helen Caldicott on 9/11

The renowned anti nuclear campaigner, physician and author of the recent: The New Nuclear Danger returns from her home in Australia. She reminds us that we are living in a time of increased danger from the new space weapons program. There are programs in place to modernize nuclear weapons and use nuclear material in space. The events of 9/11 are used to expand and finance these programs.  She begins with a moving appeal for peace.

Recorded in September 2002 at the Herbst Theater in San Francisco, the talk is divided into two self-contained parts and can also be played as a one hour special.
code A215CD: To order a 60 minute CD click here: $10.00
code: A215 To order a 60 minute cassette copy click here: $8.00
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Part ONE and TWO click HERE

Helen Caldicott

As a young pediatrician in Australia, Helen Caldicott learned about the medical consequences of nuclear war. That changed her life. She eventually campaigned in the US for nuclear disarmament. Now, over 30 years later, concerned about the US plans to build more nuclear weapons and nuclear reactors, she has returned with a new book and new plans . Her book is called: The New Nuclear Danger.  She hopes to establish an institute to support speakers with expertise in nuclear war, energy, radioactive waste, and nuclear disarmament.
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
Side B: Farewell to America: Andreas Toupadakis
The Greek chemist made headlines for a few days in early 2000 when he resigned from the nuclear weapons program at Lawrence Livermore Lab and proudly joined the peace movement. This interview with Andreas Toupadakis was recorded two days before his return to a village near Rethymno on the island of Crete where he was born. He will live again the simple life of his parents, engage locally, and tend the trees that his grandmother planted for him when he was a boy. If we want to abolish the weapons of war, he says, we also need to deal with the causes of conflict that are embedded in our high-speed lives of excessive consumption.
code: A199 To order a copy click here: $8.00
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE

Helen Caldicott on Nuclear Reactors and Weapons
Recorded before an overflow audience at Sonoma State University in October, 1998, this is a sharp snapshot of the current status of nuclear affairs. From "Mobile Chernobyl" to "subcritical" testing and the dangerous stock piles in the former Soviet Union. This is both a highly informative talk as well as an inspiring call to action.
code: A131 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00

Helen Caldicott: Hiroshima Day 1996
Anti-nuclear campaigner and author Helen Caldicott spoke about the planned transport of nuclear fuel from power plants and the scheduled launch of the Cassini Probe, which carried 72 pounds of plutonium into space. A moving, inspiring, informative speech. (60 minutes, 1996)
code: A 104 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00

Manhattan Project #2
Dr. Andreas Toupadakis & Dr. Helen Caldicott
Dr. Andreas Toupadakis, a chemist, left Lawrence Livermore Laboratory in January of this year at the height of his career and joined the peace movement. After working at Los Alamos and Livermore, Toupadakis found that, instead of working on the safe disposal of nuclear weapons, he was asked to work on what he calls Manhattan #2, a new, space based weapons system. He is introduced by Dr. Helen Caldicott. (Recorded  L. A. 4/4/2000)
code: A 162 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
Go to A-Infos to download a broadcast quality 29-minute version.
Reference in this talk for "Manhattan #2": <www.spacecom.af.mil/usspace> Click at: Vision for 2020
To write to Dr. Toupadakis or Dr. Caldicott use CONTACT TUC and we will pass your message on.

Andreas Toupadakis: Hiroshima Diary
In January of 2000, the Greek born chemist Andreas Toupadakis resigned from a nuclear weapons program at Lawrence Livermore National Lab. He found that, instead of working on the safe disposal of nuclear weapons, he was asked to work on what he calls Manhattan #2, a new, space based weapons system. He has since become an eloquent campaigner against nuclear weapons. In August of 2000 he was invited to speak at a memorial service for the Japanese victims of the bomb dropped by the US on Hiroshima. He returned deeply moved by his meetings with survivors. This is a very personal conversation based on his diary and the photos he brought back.
code: A172   To order a copy click here: $8.00
Go to A-Infos to download a broadcast quality sound file
Here are two very interesting links:
Japan Congress Against ATOMIC and HYDROGEN Bombs
This site provides the reasons for Andreas Toupadakis resignation from LLNL:

Akira Tashiro on Depleted Uranium
During the Gulf War in 1991, US and UK forces used a new weapon against Iraq. This new weapon, the depleted uranium (DU) projectile, is radioactive. Unlike atomic or hydrogen bombs, it involves no nuclear fusion or fission but nine years after the end of the war, adverse health effects from DU exposure continue to manifest themselves among military personnel and civilians in Iraq and Yugoslavia where the fighting took place, and among US and British veterans and their families. Tashiro traveled through the US, UK, and Iraq to cover this story. He is a senior staff writer for the Chugoku Shimbun, a daily newspaper with a morning edition circulation of 735,000. The Chugoku Shimbun was founded in 1892 and is one of Japan's major newspapers.
Code A185 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
To download a broadcast Quality MP3 file click HERE
Akira Tashiro's articles for the Chugoku Shimbun (in English) http://www.chugoku-np.co.jp/abom/uran/index_e.html
Link to StopNato DU site: http://www.stopnato.org.uk/du-watch/index.htm

Burning Warheads as Fuel for Nuclear Reactors?
Mary Olson with Jackie Cabasso
Recently a significant announcement by the Bush administration reversed a 20-year-old policy. The US and Russia will now re-process plutonium from nuclear weapons as fuel for nuclear reactors.

Mary Olson is the expert on nuclear reactors with the North Carolina office of the Nuclear Information and Resource Service ( NIRS ). She is concerned about the prospect of fueling aging nuclear reactors with plutonium, recognized as the most dangerous substance on earth.  In addition to making nuclear power even more dangerous, she says, this new program is also a concealed nuclear weapons program. New, pure weapons-grade plutonium is generated inside the reactor.
code: A200 To order a copy click here: $8.00
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE


COMEDY SPECIAL : Behind every terrorist there is a Bush
With Will Durst, Rene Hicks, Bill Santiago, David Rovics and Drew Dellinger
Recorded LIVE at the Herbst Theater in San Francisco on 2/1/04 at a benefit for the International Inquiry into 9-11. Bill Santiago called this event "The first ever Bush bashing super-bowl party". He felt honored to attend. Humor can be more radical than "straight" talk. David Rovics sings: Who would Jesus bomb? The theme of 9/11 comes up throughout. http://www.deceptiondollar.com

Comedienne Rene Hicks was the MC for the Comedy Special. She is comfortable in tiny clubs and on national TV. She was the first African American woman ever nominated for the American Comedy Awards. Drew Dellinger is a poet, rap artist and activist; Amy Goodman called David Rovics the musical version of Democracy Now; Puerto Rican comedian Bill Santiago is a former journalist for the Washington Post and the Miami Herald; Will Durst is America's premier political comic. He writes a daily internet column.
Contact Drew Dellinger at < drew@poetsforglobaljustice.org >
For a broadcast quality mp3 version of Part ONE and TWO click HERE
code A242CD: To order a 60 minute CD click here: $10.00
code: A242 To order a 60 minute cassette copy click here: $8.00

The Youth Poetry Movement

Youth Speaks is a Bay Area nonprofit, with satellite workshops around the country. They are providing a safe space for high school students to put their thoughts and emotions on paper and on the stage. Since the founding of Youth Speaks in 1996 the youth poetry movement has spread to many places, including Seattle, New York City and even abroad.

Places to hear the young poets are the Teen Poetry Slam, Brave New Voices and the Bringing the Noise Reading Series.  Every event inspires many more teens to join  workshops where they learn from each other honest writing and critical thought. You will be amazed at the youth of the speakers on this program, most are just 16, the range of thoughts and feeling that led them to speak out, and the fact that in the school system that we have right now most of them would have never had a chance to be heard at all. <http://www.youthspeaks.org>
For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
code: A264 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A264CD: To order a CD click here: $10.00

Utah talks about his life and how he became an activist

Utah Phillips said he never put it all together quite like this. From his childhood to Korea, his work with transients and migrants, his discovery of anarchism and pacifism and how to use music as a weapon, this is a moving, honest account of an extraordinary life.

For a broadcast quality mp3 version click HERE
code A256CD: To order a one hour CD click here: $10.00
code: A256 To order a one hour cassette copy click here: $8.00

Di Travis Company:
Bertolt Brecht: Songs of Love and War in Times of Fascism
Brecht had to escape from Germany when Hitler came to power. His exile in the US was cut short when he was called before HUAC, the House Unamerican Activities Committee. Di Travis said: "He brought onto the stage of Europe the most pressing political issues facing anyone alive. And he forged a new kind of theater which was vivid, funny, ringing with music and full of questions for the audience to answer. All over the world theater has been changed by his work."

All but two songs, that sound eerily up to date, were composed by Brecht's friend and collaborator Hans Eisler. The collection of songs and poems had premiered at the Royal National Theater in London and was recorded during its very successful run in S.F.
For a broadcast quality mp3 file of the 29 minute version click HERE
code: A132 To order a 45 minute cassette copy click here: $8.00
code A132CD: To order a 45 minute CD click here: $10.00

Memorial for Allen Ginsberg
On Sunday, April 20, 1997, the huge synagogue Emanu-El in San Francisco was filled with fellow poets and friends remembering the life of the Beat/Buddhist/Rebel poet Allen Ginsberg. Among the speakers were Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Joanne Kyger, Anne Waldman, Robert Haas, and Gary Snyder.
code: A 116 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00

Burning Man & The Caucasian-Americans
Burning Man is four stories tall and glows neon at night: a wooden man-sculpture which is burned each year in the vast expanse of the Black Rock desert of Nevada. This sound collage is part of a post-modern carnival of the absurd. Also: What would America have been without the Caucasian-Americans, with their magnificent shopping malls, their colorful polyesters, and their landfills? This anthropological comedy is based on Beverly Slapin's workbook for children. 60 minutes
code: A 103 To order a cassette copy click here: $8.00